Hot Rod Car Show Swoon in Fairfax, California

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Packing Part 2: Clothing

Monday, 24 June 2013 by

Traveling Light But Still Stylish As a woman traveling on two wheels, I’ve thought long about my wardrobe. I tend toward casual (years in the fitness industry ensured that) but also love to throw on a dress or skirt. I find them to be more comfortable than almost anything. Every inch matters when you are literally

Packing: Part 1

Sunday, 23 June 2013 by

Here’s the challenge: the Italian is sexy…. but short on braun. 150ccs means there isn’t a ton of power. And two racks and no place for side bags means there also isn’t a ton of space. [Edited: I’ve since moved to a 250CC that can use sidebags, but there still isn’t a ton of packing